Table of ContentsThe Second Helvetic Confession


1. Reprinted from Reformed Confessions of the 16th Century by Arthur C. Cochrane. � Copyright 1966 W. L. Jenkins. The Westminster Press.

2. Ad imaginem et simultudinem Dei.

3. Etenim voluntas, non noluntas dicitur.

4. The edition of 1568 reads: "whether they are elected from eternity?"

5. The so-called Athanasian Creed was not written by Athanasius but dates from the ninth century. It is so called the "Quicunque" from the opening word of the Latin text.

6. The original manuscript has "Christ" instead of "Spirit."

7. The Latin reads: "by the faith of the Son of God."

8. Ordinarunt pastores, atque doctores.

9. The Latin has orationem which has been rendered as "prayer." But from the context it would seem that the word should be given its usual classical meaning of a "speech."

10. The Apostolicals were followers of a religious fanatic, Gherardo Segarelli, of Parma, who in the thirteenth century wanted to restore the poverty of the apostolic life.

Chapter 30

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Page edited: 12/11/2008